

To enhance the effectiveness of the Small Hours AI assistant in handling specific issues or triaging to the right team, you can create custom runbooks within your existing repository. Here's a guide on where to create these runbooks and an example of how to structure them:

Github Repository

Where to Create Runbooks

  1. In your existing repository, create a new directory named runbooks if it doesn't already exist.
  2. Inside the runbooks directory, create markdown files for each specific scenario or issue type.

Example Runbook Structure

Here's an example of a runbook for database connection issues:

# Database Connection Issues

## Overview

This runbook provides a simple guide to check specific files for database connection issues and the appropriate Slack group to contact for further assistance.

## Steps

### 1. Check Configuration Files

Ensure that the application is using the correct database credentials.

- **Location:** `config/database.yml` or environment variables
- **Example:**
    adapter: mysql2
    encoding: utf8
    database: my_app_production
    username: my_app
    password: <%= ENV['DATABASE_PASSWORD'] %>
    host: localhost

## Contact for Assistance

If the issue persists, contact the `#database-support` Slack group for further assistance.

Other Integrations

Support for more services like Confluence and Notion are coming soon!