
Connect with Sentry

Complete these steps in the Sentry webhook configuration:

  1. Go to your Sentry project settings.

  2. Navigate to Integrations > Webhooks.

  3. Click "Add Webhook".

  4. Set the Webhook URL to:

  5. Under "Events," select "All Events" to capture all types of events.

  6. Save the webhook configuration.

Configure Sentry to send exceptions:

  1. In your Sentry SDK configuration, ensure that you have set up error capturing.

  2. Sentry will automatically capture unhandled exceptions and send them to the configured webhook.

  3. For manual error capturing, use the appropriate SDK method. For example, in Python:


Set up Sentry Alerts:

  1. Go to Alerts > Rules in your Sentry project.

  2. Click "Create Alert Rule".

  3. Choose the conditions that should trigger the alert (e.g., "When: A new issue is created").

  4. In the "Actions" section, select "Send webhook".

  5. Choose the webhook you created earlier.

  6. Save the alert rule.

Sentry will now automatically send detailed information about exceptions and alerts to Small Hours, including:

  • Event details (type, message, stack trace)
  • Issue information (title, URL)
  • Project and environment data

This allows Small Hours to provide accurate and timely analysis of your application's issues.